It is as part of the 2nd phase of the Universal National Service (SNU) that “les Amis de La Martinerie” welcomed, on Friday October 28, 2022, the first class of cadets from the Indre gendarmerie.
After having completed, in February or July 2022, the first 15-day phase of the SNU, 25 young people registered with the association "Cadets de la Gendarmerie de l'Indre" to learn more about the carreer opportunities within the gendarmerie, 21 were present for the day.
This phase, lasting 12 days spread over 8 months, integrates not only knowledge about the gendarmerie but also a series of themes available to the organizers.
Two themes have been selected for this day at La Martinerie:
1. External military activities (the closse order formation to prepare their participation in the November 11 ceremonies)
2. Memorial activities (The symbols of the Republic, the Marseillaise and the discovery of the military past of the department of Indre).
This day took place in the presence of François and Jean-Jacques respectively vice-president and secretary of the association, with the friendly visit of Lt-Colonel Jérôme Peruzzo of the Indre Gendarmerie Group.
Thank you to Marie, Sylvine, Frédéric, Jean-Jacques and Philippe, our volunteers, as well as to Pierre, reservist of the gendarmerie, for their participation in the supervision of the cadets during their stay at “La Martinerie”.
The article of La NR of November 1, 2022.
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Photo credit: Jean-Jacques Bérenguier