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9 - 12 am + 2 - 5 pm
Guided: 9:30am + 2:30pm

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Parc de Belle-Isle

à l'étang de Corlay


“Les Amis de La Martinerie”’s main mission is to bring the military memory of the Indre department to life, which explains the title of the exhibition: "The Indre department in the Great War". This exhibition was organized for the 110th anniversary of the beginning of the conflict, so as not to forget the sacrifice of our grandparents or great-grandparents.


The decision to set up this exhibition is the result of the recent love story between “Les Amis de La Martinerie” and a young association from the Indre department named “Les Poilus Berrichons”.

“Les Amis de La Martinerie” has decided to push and promote this association based on the fact that these young men have decided to get involved in helping to remember and not forget the sacrifice of our elders. They will soon be at our side to welcome elementary school students.

After a first event where we were able to integrate them in the Armistice day ceremony on November 11, 2023, we have decided to continue to promote them, by organizing a joint exhibition for the Armistice day ceremony, on 11 November 2024.

From only two associations supposed to be present that day, we were pleasantly surprised by the reaction of our volunteers who spread the news, we were able to bring together 7 associations, the archives of Châteauroux Métropole and 6 individual exhibitors, with whom we work hand to hand to make this exhibition a success.

The associations:

- “Les Amis de La Martinerie”.
- Les Poilus Berrichons.
- Romain Guignard Association of Vatan.
- The Genealogical Society of the Bas Berry.
- “Le maquette club 36”.
- “Le Magenta”, association guardian of the traditions of the 90th Infantry Regiment.
- “Le comité de Châteauroux Métropole du Souvenir Français
- The Châteauroux Métropole archives team.

The individuals

- Rodrigues ALVARO with his exhibition on the Portuguese during WW1.
- Rémi LOUVIOT and Jean-Marie AUMARECHAL, private collectors.
- Frédéric NIEMIER (1917-1919 the American camp between Diors and Montierchaume).
- Christian SEVEAU, diorama creator.

This exhibition also included the exceptional participation of Jacques BAUCHÉ's “Taxi de La Marne”, ccompanied by his grandson “ENZO” and some musical entertainment to our visitors on saturday by “Les Gâs du Berry”, thanks to “Les Amis de La Martinerie”.

We would like to sincerely thank the volunteers from all the associations who were present to prepare, host and then dismantle this exhibition, in particular those from “Les Amis de La Martinerie” who are always ready to follow the crazy ideas of their president. We would also like to thank those who, behind the scene, participated in creation of this exhibition including the team of the Châteauroux Métropole archives, the “Châteauroux Evens” team, the communications department (including a poster which was unanimously loved). Finally let’s not forget our partners for this exhibition without whom nothing would have been possible: the Indre Departement, Châteauroux Métropole, Art Elec, Initiative Indre, La BGE Indre-Touraine, the Leclerc route de Tours store, the municipalities of Châteauroux, Diors and Montierchaume for the loan of exhibition materials. Thank you also to the Media who came to meet us this weekend.

You will soon be able to find all the photos of our volunteers and participants on “Les Amis de La Martinerie”’s website.

NR article of November 10, 2024

 and that of November 11, 2024

Click on images to enlarge
Photo credit: Jean-Jacques Bérenguier, Les Poilus Berrichons, Bruno Duteil, Frédéric Niemier, Rémi Louviot, Jean-Christophe Vernet.

The president, elected officials and authorities during the inauguration
The president, elected officials and authorities during the inauguration
Part of the exhibition
Part of the exhibition
Another part of the exhibition
Another part of the exhibition
“Les Amis de La Martinerie” offering a presentation panel of the Marne taxi to Jacques Bauché, owner of the Taxi
“Les Amis de La Martinerie” offering a presentation panel of the Marne taxi to Jacques Bauché, owner of the Taxi
The young “Poilus” are ready to leave
The young “Poilus” are ready to leave
Our veteran with the “Poilus Berrichons”
Our veteran with the “Poilus Berrichons”
The musical interlude, by “Les Gâs du Berry”, offered by “Les Amis de La Martinerie”
The musical interlude, by “Les Gâs du Berry”, offered by “Les Amis de La Martinerie”
Bruno, Frédéric and Luc, some of the kingpins of the association
Bruno, Frédéric and Luc, some of the kingpins of the association
The exhibition on Americans in Indre 1917 1919
The exhibition on Americans in Indre 1917 1919
The Magenta team
The Magenta team
Rémi Louviot and Jean Marie Aumaréchal, individual exhibitors
Rémi Louviot and Jean Marie Aumaréchal, individual exhibitors
Eric Lardy and his team from “Maquettes club 36
Eric Lardy and his team from “Maquettes club 36
One of Christian Seveau’s dioramas
One of Christian Seveau’s dioramas
Part of the SGBB exhibition
Part of the SGBB exhibition
Part of the RGA exhibition
Part of the RGA exhibition
Part of the Rodrigues Alvaro exhibition
Part of the Rodrigues Alvaro exhibition
Rodrigues Alvaro
Rodrigues Alvaro
Exhibition on the health services
Exhibition on the health services
The gift of Paul Dupuis
The gift of Paul Dupuis
Some of the people working behind the scene
Some of the people working behind the scene

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