Since june 30, 2012, and after the dissolution of the 517th Train Regiment, the military vocation of the site La Martinerie as ceased.
To remember and do not forget that presence, 1915/2012, a small group of ancient people of the site La Martinerie decided to envolved themself, in order to perpetuate the memory of those, civilian and military, french, american (carrier or called, active or reserve) who served on the base, as far as their supporters.
President of the Agglomeration Community of Châteauroux (CAC) and members of the community council have agreed to make available to us on 20 february 2014 building 001 (the workers masters) and 002 (old boiler) to permit the creation of a memorial on this site. On Friday, october 17 2014, we met Gil Averous, president of this CAC and mayor of Châteauroux, in the presence of Michel Blondeau, mayor of Déols, in front of about 200 members and friends and more or less 20 flags to sign a emphyteutic lease, 50 years for buldings 001 and 002.
On Saturday october 3, 2015, we have celebrated the centenary of creation of the base « La Martinerie » in front of about 30 flags and more or less 200 members or guests.
With the support of a local communities, partners companies, of our association and the exceptional availability of our volontary to carry out (more than 20 000 of volonteer working hours) we can reasonably consider that the inauguration of our Memory House will be during the first semester of 2021.
This web site is yours, make it live forward it to your knowledge, the more we are, the more we can acheive the objectives of the association.
A great thanks to those who invest themself since the begining of this adventure or later on. Also thanks to those who keep the association alive, either on the board, either to welcome visitors, other people or to animate our website.
A last thanks to our donor members and to our 430 loyal members who support the creation of this Memory House, so as not to forget every one who came before us.
Last update : 2021/02/04